One of our main goals is to guarantee that all our products are top quality. This is evidenced by all the quality seals and certifications that endorse our efforts.
Click on the image to download the certificate
The BRC Global Standard for Food Safety is one of the most used “due diligence”(reasonable steps taken by a person to avoid committing a tort or offence) and supplier selection operational tools in the agri-food industry.
This approach reduces global costs in the management of supply chains while increasing safety levels for clients, suppliers and consumers.
Considered as a mandatory requirement to operate in this sector, the Standard also offers companies an opportunity to demonstrate their commitment towards ongoing improvements in food safety, quality and legality within the agri-food industry.
Conservas Familia Conesa is also audited as a producer of KOSHER PRODUCTS.
Kosher terminology means apt-appropriate. They are all those foods that respond to the biblical and talmudic norms of Jewish law. It is the system of quality control of food according to Jewish standards called kosher.
Conservas Familia Conesa is also audited as a producer of ECOLOGICAL PRODUCTS in Artichokes and Peppers.
The objective of Ecological Agriculture is to obtain food of optimum quality, free of residues, minimising the human impact on the environment.
ISO 9001
ISO 9001 is the foundation of the quality management system since it is an international standard that focuses on all quality management elements that any company must have in place in order to have an effective system that will allow them to manage and improve the quality of their products and services.
In today’s world, being competitive is a crucial factor, and achieving the ISO 9001 certificate is clearly a compulsory requirement to strengthen the company itself, as well as its business relationships, laying out the foundations to ensure that a business sustainability, particularly during the current times which are characterised by strong financial uncertainty.